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What we do



 How do we get from here to there…..when the ‘there’ may not be clear or known?  Career and role transitions are opportunities for growing self knowledge, re-shaping identity and taking on the next stage with increased confidence and competence.   Our coaching and workshops enable greater insights into such times.



Tangled problems, confusing situations, complex environments… do managers with good intentions resolve issues they may never have met before?  Such combinations are the stuff of our consulting work as we seek to work with our clients to find solutions that are possible within the culture of their organisations.



 'Self-knowledge is the most difficult of the arts of living, because understanding ourselves is a prerequisite for understanding anybody else; because we can hardly fathom the reality of another without first plumbing our own depths, we are beholden to those we work with to investigate our own action, motives and purpose.‘   So says Iris Murdoch in her beautiful words about the importance of self knowing which also describes what coaching is about.

Executive Education

Executive Education

 ‘If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room’:   learning is how we stay up to date - or even ahead - of a rapidly changing world. It is how we change the habits which keep us stuck in familiar action, mindsets and behaviours.

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